Common Leaders

Never Stop Starting Up

Common Leaders

Welcome to a NEW weekly segment - Never Stop Starting Up, by Common Leaders, LLC. 

In this episode, Trevor talks a little about who this Thursday afternoon segment might be best suited for, an overview of what we'll talk about, and how YOU can get your favorite entrepreneurs involved in this conversation.

Look for future episodes to broadcast live on Thursdays at 1:30 PM, PST, from all Common Leaders distribution channels, including streaming on the NumoSpect Media app, available for free on the Apple App store and the Google Play store. 

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CL; Never Stop Starting Up 09/29/2022

Trevor: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome to the Never Stop Starting Up podcast presented by Common Leaders and NumoSpect

I am the current only host, but actively looking for a co-host. My name is Trevor, and this show is all about organizations. It is about businesses, so not for profit, it's government organizations. I probably won't work with government organizations cuz they really don't care about innovation a lot of times.

But that being said, the title of the show is Never Stop Starting Up. So let's just start with what I mean by. Never stop starting up. I am currently in startup mode for my companies at Common Leaders and at NumoSpect I worked at a startup called Milestone Pediatric Therapy. And I worked at other small businesses outside of that.

So I'm not the foremost expert on startups. I don't even wanna play about it, but what I do love doing is talking. To people who have startups, who have organizations who have five years in, and [00:01:00] you're still trying to start up, maybe you're 10 years in and trying to start up. I worked for a company that 30 years in still trying to start up.

And I think that that's a unique quality in an organization. It keeps you hungry, keeps you fiery, it keeps you able to hire well because you're not boring and you're not stagnant. Let's talk about it. It's gonna be short, sweet, to the point. We're gonna do 20 minutes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. and, and it's going to be live most of the time, and it's going to be with real entrepreneurs.

It's going to be with real organizational influencers. So it might not always be the owner, but it's gonna be with people who are on a team or at a company that either is already doing this concept, which. Staying excited, or maybe a company that needs to get a little bit fired up again. Maybe we've got a little stagnant.

Maybe we're a solo entrepreneur in looking to start up again after 10 years of being by ourselves. because if you're excited and if you hire better, your business is gonna do better. You're gonna have better people. If you attract better people, [00:02:00] you are going to do better work..

And so that is my rationale for why, my tagline for this show is keep the passion, lose the desperation. That might be a little harsh, but I do think that when we get stagnant, it's easy to get desperate when we start running outta money. It's easy to get desperate, and there is just nobody in the world that wants to buy your product if you seem desperate.

I promise that happened to me yesterday. Somebody got desperate with me and I told 'em to. I don't get angry very often, but this person hard pitched me and I think they were desperate. And if that wasn't the intent, that's how it came across and it pissed me off. And it also inspired this segment is, I think to, to successfully continue to make revenue for your organization, to continue to support your employees, to support the future vision that you have for your organization.

You need to be excited, You need to be in startup mentality. Maybe not procedurally. Nobody should ever stay procedurally in startup mode. It's the worst time procedurally, but you, I think you can keep the love, you can keep the passion, you keep the excitement, you can [00:03:00] keep the, uh, the fervor that comes along with being new.

You can keep the the mission and vision that get people fired up. I mean, I look with my face right now because I worked at a place that for three and a half years, which is it, it, we left startup at some point in that three and a half years. But I'm gonna tell you what, like I came in ready to be starting up every day.

Now they've since moved on to be a full grown organization, which makes me proud. But our fervor around around that business is what kept us hiring good people. It kept good people coming to us, and now when they hire it's E I think it's easier to hire good people because we hired so much excitement and so much passion in the first three and a half years. We did great things and it was almost exclusively. because we were excited about what we were doing and we were excited about the future. It makes a huge difference, let me tell you what, So that is what I'm here to do with you. We're gonna talk about how to do that and I'm gonna [00:04:00] bring in live examples of people that maybe need a little bit and we're gonna do it with them.

So this episode's gonna be short cause I don't have anybody to talk to. So if you know somebody who wants to get excited or somebody who is excited about their business, let's talk to them. Let's talk about how you sustain that. Let's talk about if you're in the. And you wanna sustain it. How we're gonna do that?

Let's strategize. If you are somewhere deep into your organizational, uh, history into the business cycle, and you feel like maybe you lost your edge, let's come on and talk about how you could find it. I'm not gonna, I mean, maybe I'll insult you, I'll apologize, but like, let's, let's get real. Let's get real, real truthy and transparent.

Because it's probably where you started when you didn't have anything to hide, cuz you didn't have anything. There's gonna be a lot of talk about transparency when it comes to organizations because it tends to breed trust. Eventually, you know, you might break some trust first if you have to reveal some stuff, but it'll come back around, and I'll help you do it.

I have a [00:05:00] history of doing it, and I think I can help you with it. And when I maxed out, I'll tell you. I'll, I'll refer you to my friends over at Bartel and they can do an even better job, or to another organization who we think might be a good fit. But let's get excited about having an organization.

Let's get excited about being part of an organization and let's keep that startup mentality. And my last pitch to you as to why this show is critical right now and why this conversation is. Maybe not more important now, but that it is super important right now, not compared to anything, just it is we are going into winter.

Winter is coming. I think that's a reference to a TV show that I never watched. Winter is coming and from everything I understand economically, economics go down in the winter, just cyclical. People do all the things they do for some reasons that I can't explain, but winter tends to be a downturn economically.

Well, we're, we're also at the edge of a recession by basically every standard that I've heard of. And maybe it won't, hopefully it won't get as bad [00:06:00] as it's been talked about, but jobs are being cut. It's probably only gonna continue for a while. We've been in a weird job market all through Covid, all after Covid.

And we were in a weird job bubble before Covid too, because the economy was, was raging. I mean, through the end of the Obama years into the Donald years, it was a raging economy in the US and so it was bound to come back to reality at some point or to level out or to plateau a little bit. And then you throw in a worldwide pandemic regardless of the politics around it.

It's just, it truly affected the economy. And then on the, as we left Covid times of being in lockdown, we also had the great resignation where everybody switched jobs. It's happening again right now. Everybody's either quitting or being fired it seems like. So we're going into a really sketchy or hairy, or whatever analogy you wanna draw there.

It's gonna be a rough winter, I think. And the reason this is relevant to startups is. [00:07:00] Startups are gonna be able to hire those people in my opinion, I wanna hire the castoffs who are overqualified and undervalued at their jobs. I probably can't pay as much as your jobs did before, probably can't give you the benefits that you got before yet.

I intend to, but I probably can't yet. What I can give you though, if you come work for me, just as an example, is I will give you so much validation if you were doing a good job. And when you do a good job, I mean, I will give you validation anyway because you wake up as a human who is worthwhile of validation.

I will give you so much of that, and I think so many of us don't get that. Shout out to Corey Roan, at Milestone Pediatric Therapy. She gave me validation all the time, made all the difference in my world. Not only that, but she said a hell of an example as a leader. 

Partly is a vibe and I wanna bring other people in who are doing that, and then I wanna help companies that are maybe missing, missing the mark a little bit on it. And that's not to say we're gonna sit here and criticize you, but we are going to break some stagnation if that's where you feel your company is.

Let's break the stagnation. Let's take [00:08:00] advantage as much as we can of what is I, as I mentioned, going to be a hairy winter. It's gonna be a hairy time for the labor market, for the economy, and there's two ways to look at it. We could just sit and collect and hope that it works out. It's your business if that's what you wanna do.

What I look at it as, as an opportunity. While the economy crumbles a little bit and while, while things start to fall apart a little bit, that's what it's gonna feel like at times is what are we rebuilding? What are we as an entrepreneurial community? What are we as a country, as a nation, as a world, as a, a collective of human beings?

What are we doing so that as we, we, inevitably, time will pass and it will get okay. I don't know if it'll get better or wonderful or go back, but it will get okay. It just does. There is a ton of history to tell us that it will, and it might just be a function of time. So during that time, what are we doing to create. How are we helping people?

How are we helping ourselves now and in the future to be ready when the opportunity [00:09:00] opens up again for? When an opportunity presents itself, how can we serve our market better? Because while everybody else is cutting, I wanna invest. While all of the big corporations and all the life coaches, and while everybody's going back in their shell because things are getting scary, I'm saying, How can we inspire people? How can we change our circumstances within the, the resources that we have? That's what this is about. So if you have an organization or if you know somebody who has an organization, if you just wanna tee up and experiment a little bit with me, let's do it.

Let's talk about how we can never stop starting up. Because I think that startup mentality, that appreciation for what could be that appreciation for the pie in the sky, for how we can do the right things for the right people, those things are worthwhile and I think that they're going to be more worthwhile than ever while things are getting tough, let's talk about positive messages, but let's talk about productive messages. Let's talk about how we can fill the void that people feel in their heart when they lose their job. Let's talk about [00:10:00] how we can build the resumes up while they're, preparing for what might inevitably be a layoff.

Let's talk about the solutions to the pain that we may be feeling, but let's also talk about how we don't have to degrade to that pain within the companies that we control. If you control a company, don't let it get there. And if you want to challenge me to try to help that, I would be so grateful. I love doing that.

It's my favorite. I love talking startup. I love talk, talking, scaling and hiring. All those things are, are things I love. Come into this space with me if you feel comfortable and if you need a, a call ahead of time to see just how kooky I am, you're welcome to do that.

If you want to get a little bit of a, a flavor of how I roll. Besides this, please check out the new most speck live show that's on 10 30 to 1230 Pacific Time, every single weekday. You can also go to the Common Leaders, website and check out a couple of our old podcast. or maybe newer ones, if this [00:11:00] is later on in history.

Come and get a little sample of us. If you, of me, I mean, it's, it's primarily me right now. If you wanna get a sample of who I am and who, how I roll, I would strongly advise doing it. Don't take my word. Go to my LinkedIn, go to the people who I associate with and see if it fits your vibe. But really, you giving me a chance via the 12 to 15 minutes of this episode ends up being is all I can ask for and for your time.

I am grateful for your consideration. I'm even more grateful and for your treatment of people well, I am super thankful. Because if you are making a positive difference in people's world, it is the reason that people like me get to get out on the other side. When you allow someone to flourish or support someone or facilitate someone and being successful, you get to create exponential change in the world because that person goes on and does great things. And it is because of people like that that have given [00:12:00] me the confidence to, to sit here in the environment that you see me in and be fired up on camera. It is not the person I was once. And so when you do that for other people, you create confidence and you you breed positivity, you breed change, you breed support for yourself. It does all the right things. So if you are already doing that, thank you. If you are considering doing that, let's go and I will see you next week, maybe sooner. I think this is supposed to be a Tuesday Thursday thing, so this is gonna drop tomorrow on Thursday, and we'll see you on Tuesday.

Thank you.

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