Common Leaders

Common Leaders-ish

Trevor Tomion

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Hi, my name is Trevor and I am the founder of common leaders, LLC. You may know me from my podcast, which seemed like forever ago. If you listen to it, thank you. I have not done a. New podcast episode in quite some time in the last episodes that went up, I think were from the interns that were working with me, read and Brennan back in the day with the not new segments, uh, shout out to them. Uh, if you haven't listened to their segments, please do consider that they put a lot of time and effort into that. As did I, with them more of a support, they did all the leg work and all the hard work, and I was just there to support them. Back to what is going on here. So, As I mentioned, I haven't released a podcast episode in quite some time. It's been many, many months. I have been behind the scenes scheming. This is the first episode of season 2.2 uh, it's it's my company and my podcast. So I'll call it what I want for now until somebody tells me otherwise. But we are getting back in the saddle, but we're coming with some changes. So one of the first things you're gonna notice. The season, the upcoming season of all things, Trevor and common leaders, et cetera, is that we are gonna be doing a lot more video. So I spent some time getting my setup and my little miniature at home studio working and cranking both inside and outside in the garden, uh, which will be fun. So if you follow any of my Instagram pages, you will know that I've been spending a lot more time in the garden. Since I last put out a common leader's. And I imagine that will continue in terms of the setting. However, we will be shooting a variety of content out in the garden, as well as here in my little office studio. I smile because I'm pretty proud of it. I put up a little wall behind me. It's got some soundboards, it's got some art on it. I upgraded my bookshelf since we. We really did too much in the studio. So, um, it's coming together and again, video first is going to be kind of the, the word of the season two. It's not really an experiment. It's just the way we're going. That doesn't mean that audio won't be available in the traditional places where you get audio like Spotify and apple music and all the places you can get a traditional podcast, we will still be available. It is one of the beautiful things about modern technologies. You can split all that out. That does. However, if you are a podcaster you'll know this, that does require me as the host to do a really good job with my audio. Not just overlying on video. So, if you're watching this, you can see my face move. You can see the, the bookcase in the background that I'm talking about, but if you're listening to this just on audio, of course, you may not be able to see that you can't see that. And certainly if you can't see you can't see it. Um, and if you can only hear, you can only hear the words. So it is incumbent upon me to provide, uh, a good experience, both visually and auditorily for you. Uh, and. And future clients and all the things. So that is my challenge, not yours, but I am super stoked that you are here to listen or view or play or whatever it is that you're finding us on season 2.2 is, is here tomorrow will be the first day of live shooting. I, which, which kind of. Apologize. It's been a long time since I've recorded just myself. So I'm not gonna edit this. I'm really not. I'm going to cut out a lot of editing, which is another change. I certainly will edit audio quality. In terms of before it hits Spotify or podcast servers, my RSS feed, it will go through some, uh, auditory tweaks. Maybe we'll cut out some of the gaps, but certainly we'll get the quality up to par with what you expect when you're listening in your car or on your earbuds or in your headphones, because that. In my opinion requires, uh, you know, I, I have the ability to edit it. So why wouldn't I pay good money for some good software? That being said, I'm also gonna be, as I mentioned, doing a lot more live and a lot less editing, I at a personal level need to cut back my workflow. So instead I cut back my workflow. I changed my work. So instead of doing a ton of editing, I'm just really gonna be throwing bologna at the wall and see what sticks. And that makes me excited because I got, I got pretty run down with recording and editing and the whole process of it because to do the level and the quality of editing for either a video or an audio, which I think we, as consumers deserve, it's, it's a lot of money. It's a lot of money. It's a lot of really resources. So resources, whether that be money, I pay someone or time and money. I pay myself because my company employs me and it's a lot. And at a certain point in that conversation, I would much rather pay. For other stuff, I guess. So that's what we're doing and I'm not gonna edit much. I'm gonna split my channels and you will be learning a lot about that in the tomorrow. Uh, we'll have a variety of content. So if you don't like the words I'm saying in one of my places, there will be another place for you to see me and hear me. If that's important to you and if not, that's okay too, because what we'll also be talking about in the coming days is the new hosting platform where all of this content is going to live. So I have partnered with you screen, which is a, I'm not really sure how to best describe them. So I'm gonna, I'm gonna tell you a little bit about it and then we'll get into it more, uh, later VI uh, I did look at Vimeo. So Vimeo is the primary competitor. Really everybody in the industry that use screen is in use screen is who I'm partnering with. After some negotiating with Vimeo, they have a great platform. It just wasn't for me, in terms of, uh, really who they're set up to serve. I think they serve other clients better than they could serve me as a small independent operator. And use screen is set up to do a lot more handholding and I need a lot of handholding, uh, It's been a fun ride. You'll see. In the corner, it says NuMo spec. And if, if you haven't talked to me at a personal level, you have no idea what that is. NuMo spec is going to be the name. You'll be hearing a lot more of than common leaders going forward. If you are following along at the macro level, if you're following along at micro level with common leaders, you're still gonna get plenty of common leaders content. We're gonna up our game. We're gonna have a lot of video. We're gonna do more social media. I'm super duper excited to get back into my common leader stuff. Everybody wants to know in my, in my personal life where common leaders went, it went nowhere. It, it went behind the scenes to reevaluate. To find better ways to distribute that content so that I could do it cheap and give stuff away and continue to talk to people I wanna talk to and be the leadership development person and org development person that I desire to be, which is one who is passionate and energetic. That being said, I won't be doing that 30 or 40. Maybe not even 20 hours a week all the time, probably sometimes 20 hours a week will be common leaders, but a lot of my time will also be split up into other media endeavors. We'll call it. So doing other things that I enjoy doing and taking you along for the ride, and then more importantly, inviting you and inviting the content creators that you love or wanna see and wanna hear about and wanna connect with, inviting them to be a part of the new most spec. And by that, I mean, hosting on my use screen platform. So in the coming days, there will be a hard launch of the pneumos spec website and the pneumos spec website will contain common leaders content, but it will also contain content from a variety of other things that I'm interested in, or that have been brought to my attention, um, with a partner. So a lot of the content you'll see early on will be me facilitating and firing it up and getting it going. But I also have a. I'm gonna smile again, just awkwardly, cuz I have a really, really wonderful network and that network is full of brilliant people who bring me ideas and who have connections to other people. And I wanna invite them and their people to be part of pneumos spec as well in order to provide deeper. More broad connectable content. And that connectable content will start, as I said, with the use screen platform, but then it will branch out into all the social media platforms that you are on all of the typical ones, as well as some non-typical ones. And you'll also be hearing a lot about streaming and S casting, uh, as I explore those things. And as I've learned over the past six or so months about that world, I will bring you into the journey that I've been on. And also the journey that we're about to go on with new most spec as we launch. So things will rebrand in some ways. And in, in other ways, it. My sincere hope is that common leaders get stronger from this because it's gonna have a better distribution platform, but, uh, it will not be my sole focus. Uh, it, it just, it can't be partly because I wanna, as I mentioned, I wanna love what I do and I think it's gonna be awful tough to love what I do. If I give all of my time to coach. All of my time to staying between the appropriate lines that leadership and leadership development, organizational development require of one, when it comes to words and word choices and topics, I am more than the upstanding professional that is common leaders. I love common leaders and I am excited for it to grow beyond me in a lot of ways, uh, because that was its original intent anyways. And I, and I do think that this sets us up for that very well. I will coach a little bit. I will talk a little bit. I'll probably do a lot with common leaders as a facilitator, but I will continue to back away as the pivot for everything if I can. And when I can. And yeah, I'm a little rambling at this point, cuz I'm pretty excited and it's my first time back live. Um, I wanna shout a couple of people and a couple of products that I'm using right now, just in order to give them where credit is due. Um, Of course, I do have an official relationship with some of them, and I'll be transparent about that. I do have affiliate links. Now I do have official partnerships now in order to help me pay my bills and also continue to bring content to y'all without, um, having to charge for everything obviously. So wherever we can do that, we will, of course, this is not an endorsement of it for you. It's just an endorsement of how well it works for me. Use screen is at the top of that list. Our customer service is second to non at least. In the digital industry, I've dealt with a lot of customer service people and a lot of vendors in my time as a professional. And, um, I don't know if they're the best at top of the top of the top, but they are among the best they are in the tier of the best service I've gotten anywhere. Uh, whether it's grocery stores in person or whether it's digital or online or phones, they, they have treated me very, very well. And for that I'm grateful use screen is. Check out the affiliate link. If you wanna learn a little bit more about them or just learn more about them. And if you wanna ask me a question, feel free to, it would mean the world to me. If you decide to sign up for a plan, if you could use my affiliate link, because that gets me a little bit kickback, um, which again helps out in a big way, but of course, like no hate if you don't do that, I don't care world If you could do what you want. I mean, a couple bucks for paying the same price. That'd be sweet too. Um, You screen right now, I am recording for the first time on restream is what it's called and we'll get more into restream. I don't honestly know a ton about it. I'm I'm at a functional level with it, and I love it a bunch so far. Uh, but we have a lot of work to do to explore the depths of how use, uh, excuse me, restream operates and what works behind the scenes and how this program and platform is laid out. It's really, really cool is the short end of it. And I'll get into what it is. Restream. In the shortest form, it's a SEL casting platform, so I can pop out this material. So right now I'm recording this it's not live. Um, it's also not edited very much uh, but restream is intended to be a SEL cast. It's intended both to help me record, but also how to, uh, excuse me also to get live content to more places. Simultaneously, hence the word SEL and casting. So instead of broadcasting or instead of going live, I'm going to S cast to multiple places at once. Um, and restream helps facilitate that. It's it's and again, we'll get into details cuz I don't really know a whole lot of details, but I'll take you on the journey with me. It's really cool though. Uh, so restream which then feeds to my use screen as well as all my social outlet. Our, I mean, they're mine right now, but they're our social outlets. I now am officially partnered with, uh, Brie Campano of clever conversations is her podcast. She is much more than her clever conversations, but she also has a lot of clever conversations. So check'em out. She is snarky and lovely and awesome. And I love working with Bree so far. Um, it's been a few weeks and we've, we've headed off. So you'll be hearing a lot from Bree. Like me, she's a podcast host and we'll be doing a lot together. I'm really excited to have her as a part of the team that I'm trying to build, but also just to be a part of her world, because she's got her own cool things going on. Uh, which is pretty cool. So, so we covered you screen restream Bree. I think those are the big, big major developments in terms of things that I wanted to share with y'all. And also just a, a couple of quick shoutouts. Um, I have so much that I've been doing behind the scenes and I really, really can't wait to take you on the journey. Uh, it's gonna be so much bigger than just leadership conversations. There's gonna be leadership twisted into everything I talk about, um, for as long as I can. As well sometimes when I might get a little off track but I think, I think it's gonna be fun. I'm gonna have fun with it. And I'm excited for you to hopefully join me and, and possibly make that fun as well. Uh, along this way, we will encounter some really tough conversations because I've put my like, honest to goodness. I put myself in some positions that are tough to get. In a variety of places in my life. So in addition to having a lot of fun, we're also gonna have some hard conversations. I'm gonna bring you along for'em as, as much as I can get permission to. Um, because one of the gifts that I have been given, uh, by the people around me and by my mentors is, is I, I think, and my ability to process externally, um, you might call. Being inspiring. Uh, you might call that a lot of things and being a leader I think is probably among them. Uh, and among the categories, I, I hope to have myself within, but at the very base level, I'm, I'm a growing extrovert in a lot of ways. I love my quiet space, but I do process externally and I've been given the gift of. Knowing how to use the words that I know So I know enough words to say words, and I also am able to put them with emotions and feelings pretty well. I think so we'll go along some hard journeys together where I can, um, we'll probably do some live apologies because I owe some people apologies, and I also want to give them a spotlight if they're interested in it. Um, I have been a bit of a hermit for quite some. and, uh, it's, it's time to come out of my shell and reintroduce myself to you and all the things that I've been up to. Um, I'm, I'm beyond grateful if you're listening to this. and certainly if you have any suggestions about things for me to get involved in, let me know if you got something exciting going on in your life. And you've listened this far 16 minutes in is what it's telling me. That's way too far. Like go do something with yourself. but also if you did list this far, please like, let me know what what's on your mind. Uh, If you have thoughts about this crappy episode, cuz it's not really meant to be a really good episode. I'm just throwing again, bologna at the wall to get things going. Um, tomorrow we're gonna get real legit. It'll be hopefully a few less ums and a lot less organization. Uh, excuse me, a lot more organization. Any as if you couldn't tell I'm a little bit nervous about all this. Uh, very grateful that you're here. And again, if you have suggestions of things that you would like me or new most spec or common leaders, or the brands that we'll be talking about in the next couple days, if you have something that you think I should know about, whether it's your personal thing, or a friend of a friend of a friend I'm down to hear about it, I would love, love to talk to you either recorded, uh, or live, or just on the phone or just. I mean, I don't really wanna do it via message. I don't like that. Don't send me emails. Um, but other than that, I would love to hear what's going on in your world. And if there's a way that I can help promote what's going on in your world, and what's important to you, whether that's a financial thing or just something that worms your heart and makes your heart whole I'm here for it. Uh, yeah, I'm gonna stop saying, um, I'm gonna wrap this up. I hope that wherever you are, and whenever you are, that you can find some reasons to. Even if it's not laugh, uh, go, go find some things to smile, even if it's cheesy and, and don't let people make you feel bad for your cheesy smiles, because sometimes that's all we get with that. Lots of love, fist bumps.

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